Monday 20 August 2012

2 1/2 Stone Award

When I got on the scales tonight and saw 5lbs off, I couldn't quite believe it. I had been having two quite low weeks and lost 1/2 lb and then 1lb even though I was on plan and going to the gym. This week I hadn't made it to the gym but I had went on a few long walks (one that was 3 miles because I got lost and had to keep walking- thanks to Google Maps I got home! haha)...

So, I am at a loss of 2 stones 10.5lbs....

If you had told me when I started Slimming World, three weeks before my holidays in May that I would have dropped 2 dress sizes, lost 10% of my body weight and be nearing three stone off, I don't think I would have believed you. 

It just shows that it can be done. And it does work! People are really starting to notice the difference and that has definitely given me a boost in confidence. For the first time in a long time, I am starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin and that is immeasurable. 

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